Many people hearing the name or the term "Macedonia" think , that this place,this region,this country, is what we Greeks say Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FY.RO.M) . It is WRONG. The term Macedonia was invented from the ancient even times to identify Greeks,continued in the Roman and the Medieval Greek Byzantine period and reached the fall of the Ottoman occupation in Balkan area in the early stages of the 20th century.
Macedonia is a geographical term which includes the following nation from the ancient times: Greeks, also from the 5th and 6th century A.D : Slavs and then Bulgarians.
Even today, We Greeks use this term and we ll continue using it to identify the Northern Greeks who live in this region hundreds and probably thousands of years.
People of FY.RO.M by proofs have the most relations who the populations, who live in Bulgaria. They even speak a Bulgarian dialect with many differences than the Serbian one (Ex Yugoslavian province) Before 1945 their name was Vardaska Banovina (name taken from the river Vardar- Axios) .After 1945 and Tito's cooperation with Stalin, suddenly they became"Macedonians". And in 1992 and their indepedence form Yugoslavia, wanted to name their new country as "Macedonia" stealing also the history,the symbols and the heroes that belong by archeological and historical rights to Greece. This is unacceptable. Until today they made so many propaganda tries in order the other nations of the world to recognise them as "Republic of Macedonia" . We real Macedonians, We real Greeks we ll not let this happen, we ll not let the truth to be hidden,we ll not let the nation which was under Yugoslavian control until 1992,The nation which has the most relations with Bulgaria and other Slav ancestors,the country that today the 30% of its land belongs to Albanians ,TO STEAL AND INSULT OUR HISTORY,OUR SYMBOLS,OUR HEROES OUR NAME .